Missouri Valley Region (MARC) Club
MARC Membership Meet
Lodging choices are: Hotel Nashville - call Seasons Lodge, Brown County Inn, Abe Martin Lodge, Quality Inn Nashville, Artist Colony Inn. See flyer at the meeting for more details. Meet Chairman is: John Prohaska prohaska1069@yahoo.com, 812-350-8780.
Kirkwood Greentree Festival
Check for updates on Kirkwood website - www.kirkwoodmo.org
Probably meet at Trinity Church for parade - time TBD
Updates by Fred Burk at our meeting in September
Walk Back in Time Tour, Mexico, MO
Club will meet at designated place to be determined summer of 2025. Group will drive back roads to Mexico, MO, attend festival on Saturday, stay overnight at the Best Western and return Sunday. More details at monthly meetings this summer. 15 rooms are reserved at the Bets Western, but are mostly filled at this writing. Contact Eugene Cogorno if you need a room.
Veterans Day Parade
Meet at Sqwires restaurant for breakfast at 8 .
Parade starts at 11:00 am
Die Hard Event
Event is in the Community Education building, located at 200 Lake Rd. Club directional signs will be posted at intersection points. Follow the signs to the Community education bldg. Everyone should bring a side dish. MVRMARC will furnish the meat and soft drinks. Sign-up sheets will be at the Nov. and Dec. mtgs for members to indicate what type of dish they are bringing to help avoid duplicates/too many deserts, etc. There will be a modest charge per person to help cover the rental cost of the building. Next year’s dues is due at this meeting.
Annual Banquet
DATE CHANGE AGAIN !!!! This is a MVRMARC members only event. Because of inclement weather predicted for Thursday (9th) and Friday (10th) , the banquet has been rescheduled to January 19, 2025. Same time- 1pm to 5pm. Your president has decided to err on the side of caution in case more snow than predicted arrives and creates problems. If this means your status of going or not going has changed, please contact Dave Hitt or Gary Puellmann. If your status of going or not going remains the same, you do not need to call, just show up 1 pm. We need an accurate count of those who will attend.
Cars and Guitars Show Kirkwood
Early Ford Show Museum of Transport
Early Fords Car Show
The Early Fords Car Show is occurring at TNMOT on Sunday, May 19, 2024, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the upper lot. Museum Admission applies.